The best associate dentist for your office may be practicing out of area right now. This is a common obstacle in all healthcare recruiting but it is now easier than ever to connect with that talent pool. Video or Skype interviews have begun to replace or supplement in-person interviews. The technology reduces travel and other expenses associated with conducting interviews in person. The following are some tips to help both the interviewer and the candidate make the best first impression.
- Be familiar with the technology you are using—download the program ahead of time, and do a test run with a friend. Skype is one of the more common software programs being used, but as with any technology, it’ll be much better to work out the technical kinks on the front end before starting the interview.
- Make sure you look into the camera.—if you are looking at the screen, you are not making direct eye contact with the person with whom you are communicating. This can be just as damaging for a video interview as it would be if you were sitting across a table from someone.
- Be mindful of your background and lighting—put yourself in an area with little to no background noise, and be mindful of potential interruptions. Also be aware of what the person will see behind you. It is best to avoid stark white walls and busy backgrounds. Test the lighting in the area where you will interview ahead of time to make sure it is flattering.
- Adjust the camera ahead of time—you want the camera to show your head, shoulders, and hands. You need to be able to communicate fully, so this includes being able to transmit and receive nonverbal cues.
- Dress for success—dress for a video interview the same way you would if you were meeting the person at the office. Dark colors with a touch of color are the safest and look best on camera.
- Username—the same rule that applies to email addresses applies for video interviews. Make sure your username and profile picture are professional.
- Have a script—having notes in front of you can prevent awkward silences and keep the conversation on track.

These are just a few of many tips available on the web for successful interviews.
Check out the following websites for more information about nailing your next video interview:
For Job Seekers:
For Interviewers:
Contributed by Morgan Pace, Senior Regional Account Executive/Dental Recruiter. To Contact Morgan, call 540-491-9102, or email at